Prepare For Your Upcoming Service

Please Read Each Topic Concerning The Service You Have Requested In Order To Prepare For Your Upcoming Service. We Can't Wait To Meet You!​

No, although we would love to see you and chat with you, we are able to perform all of our exterior cleaning services without you being present at your home. If you plan to be away from home during the time of service please allow us to have access to all parts of your property that will be requiring cleaning.

If you are home during the cleaning payment is due upon completion of our service. You may pay in the form of cash, check, or credit card. If you are not home during the cleaning service then we will email you an invoice with a link to a payment portal which you can then pay with a credit card. Payment is due within three business days of the sent invoice.

To help us work efficiently and keep your belongings safe, please clear any items away from windows and work areas before your appointment. This allows our team to provide the best results while protecting your property. Thank you for your cooperation!

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